Confidence and Self- Esteem

Five Ways to Start Acknowledging and Loving Yourself


Hey beautiful human,

If you’ve been feeling a little lost, doubting your worth, or caught up in negative self-talk, I want you to know that you are not alone. So many women find themselves stuck in patterns that chip away at their self-worth, but here’s the thing—you are worthy just as you are. And I want to help you start embracing that truth today. Here are five simple ways to begin sending love to yourself and stepping into your worth:

Daily Self-Affirmation – Start your day with words that affirm your power and worth. Stand in front of the mirror and say, “I am enough. I deserve love. I am worthy of everything good.” A beautiful thing to do is also to stick up a photo of yourself on the mirror of when when you were a baby or young child and speak to them and shower them with love.

Boundaries are Sacred – Begin setting healthy boundaries. Saying “no” when something doesn’t feel aligned is a form of self-love. The way that you treat yourself is the way that others will treat you so if something doesn’t feel right or aligned or you don’t like the way someone is treated or talking to you, it’s time to look inside and start making changes from within. ( stick up for that inner child)

Nourish Your Body – Feed yourself well, not just with food but with movement, rest, and positive environments that light you up. I highly, highly recommend going to an Ayervedic doctor if you really want to understand your individual health. It’s taken me 45 years to get to that place so if you’re reading this now and following every diet that is trending stop what you’re doing and please accept this advice from someone who has tried it all. Ayervedic medicine is the most incredible health practice I’ve adopted and you will understand so much about your life and your health by seeing and Ayervedic Doctor,

Celebrate Your Wins – No win is too small. Every step you take toward your goals or inner peace deserves celebration. It builds your self-worth over time. When i lived with an old housemate, everytime something great happened, we would celebrate. Whether it was a yoga class, getting dressed up and going out for dinner or just making a special meal at home. We never take the time to celebrate and daily life has so many possible celebration in it.

Connect with Your Inner Child – Do something playful and joyful. Reconnect with the things that make your heart sing. What did you love to do when you were a kid. For me, it was gymnastics, running and playing with my friends. Whaever made you happy and feel lit up as a child is what is going to make you feel lit up as an adult. It’s no surprise that I love yoga, running around and being with my friends as an adult ( my handstands still need some work)

You are worthy of love, and it begins with how you treat yourself.

I love you,
Em x

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Meet Your Host, Emma Ritchie

Rapid Transormational Therapy (RTT) changed my life. Back in 2017, I wasn’t in a good head space at all. Several events happened back to back, leading me into a pretty dark place. I was waking up gasping for air, filled with anxious thoughts, feeling insecure, full of self-doubt, and massively lacking self-esteem. I knew I had to get myself out of this and fast!

I threw myself into various therapies but returned to reliving and thinking about what had happened. Not moving on from what had happened.

That’s when I found RTT, and after one session, I felt like I was finally wide awake in the present moment again. I walked out of that session feeling confident, high, excited, and very present. I also knew that I had to learn everything I could about RTT and use it to help others wake up and dive back into thriving in life again.


So why RTT? This was my experience - and it honestly changed my life.