I’ve been doing a lot of study recently with a wonderful Coach and mentor, Peter Crone.
One of the areas I’ve been delving deep into is something we all experience—time. So often, we get caught up in the past or worry about the future, but what if I told you that neither truly exists? The past is just a memory we carry in our mind, and the future is simply our imagination projecting ahead. The only thing that is real is this moment—right now.
My mentor, Peter Crone talks about how we’re only ever confined by our thoughts about time. The past doesn’t hold us captive; it’s the story we keep replaying in our heads that does. And the future? It’s not here yet. We create anxiety by imagining it, but it’s still just a thought in the present moment.
When we ground ourselves in the now, we find freedom. There’s clarity in realising that the weight we carry from the past is optional and the stress about the future is not real. By bringing our attention fully into this moment, we can experience life as it is, without fear or judgment.
Here’s how you can let go of the past and ground yourself in the present:
Practice mindful breathing: Focus on your breath. It’s the quickest way to bring your attention back to the present moment. Box breathing is an easy one. Imagine the shape of a box and breathe in for 4 second, then hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds and hold on an empty for 4 seconds all while imagining the shape of a box
Observe your thoughts: Notice when your mind drifts to the past. Acknowledge it, then gently guide your attention back to the present.
Release judgment: Remind yourself that the past is over. You don’t need to judge yourself for what happened—you did the best you could at that time. It can help at this stage if you are feeling judgement that this could be a good time to send love to the younger version of you who went through this experience and instead of judging them, wrap them up in love and free them.
Use your senses: Look around. What do you see, hear, smell, or feel? Engaging your senses anchors you in the now. A good way to bring you into the present is to name five things you can see, feel, hear or smell. i.e I can feel my back on the seat, I can smell the food in the kitchen, I can see the red table, I can hear the birds outside.
Practice gratitude: Focus on what’s good in your life right now. It shifts your mindset away from past regrets and future worries. Gratitude is the doorway to love and abundance. The more you operate from gratitude the more life gifts you feelings of love.
Let go of the need to control: We can’t change the past or control the future. Embrace the uncertainty and trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it should.
When you’re truly present, you step into a space where anything is possible and where you are free.
If the above feels too much, just start by focusing on one point you can do. Breath is always a great place to start.
I love you,