
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Expand Your Mind


Hello Beautiful Human,

A few months ago, I decided to do something that completely pushed me out of my comfort zone—I signed up for a survival course with Alone Australia’s Survival Consultant, Gordon Dedman. Now, having worked closely with Gordo as the Casting Producer and Wellness Manager for Alone Australia, I’d seen him put potential participants through their paces. So, in all honesty, I thought I knew what to expect. I thought, “How hard can this be?”

Turns out, much harder—and far more rewarding—than I ever imagined.

The course was three days and nights of full immersion in the wild Aussie bush. From the moment we started, I found myself learning how to start a fire, build a shelter, boil water, and even navigate by the stars. But beyond the survival skills, what struck me most was how much I had to break through my own mindset fears. The thought of being alone, in complete darkness, with only the sounds of the bush around me, was terrifying. As Gordo had said on day one – you are going to come out of this with a new mindset and belief in what you are capable of.

If the idea of doing something like this scares you, let me reassure you—you are in the safest hands. Gordo isn’t just a survival consultant; he’s also the youngest of five older sibling – all women.

One of the most inspiring things about Gordo is his mission to get more women involved in these traditionally male-dominated skills. It’s empowering to know that I can survive in the wild, and it’s a strength every woman should feel she has within her. But Gordo’s vision goes beyond that—he’s also on a mission to get boys off their phones and out into nature. He’s teaching young boys the skills to survive and, more importantly, to understand what it means to provide and protect.

And let’s face it—that’s something the world needs more of right now.

In a time where so many kids are glued to screens, disconnected from the real world, Gordo is working to reconnect them with nature, with themselves, and with the ancient skills that teach responsibility, resilience, and respect for the environment. These are the kinds of life lessons that shape boys into men who are not only capable but also protective and grounded in their ability to contribute meaningfully to the world.

So, when I look back at my experience on the course, it wasn’t just about survival in the wild. It was about gaining the confidence to know that I can handle myself in any situation. It was about stepping out of my comfort zone, and into my own power, with a newfound respect for the skills it takes to survive—and the people who teach them.

The world could use more men like Gordo—supportive of women, empowering them to be strong and capable, while also teaching boys how to be resilient, responsible, and protectors of what truly matters.

If you’re ready to step into your own power and challenge yourself, I can’t recommend Gordo’s survival course enough. It’s about so much more than learning how to survive—it’s about discovering what you’re truly capable of. https://bushcraftsurvivalaustralia.com.au/about/gordon-dedman/

I Love You,

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Meet Your Host, Emma Ritchie

Rapid Transormational Therapy (RTT) changed my life. Back in 2017, I wasn’t in a good head space at all. Several events happened back to back, leading me into a pretty dark place. I was waking up gasping for air, filled with anxious thoughts, feeling insecure, full of self-doubt, and massively lacking self-esteem. I knew I had to get myself out of this and fast!

I threw myself into various therapies but returned to reliving and thinking about what had happened. Not moving on from what had happened.

That’s when I found RTT, and after one session, I felt like I was finally wide awake in the present moment again. I walked out of that session feeling confident, high, excited, and very present. I also knew that I had to learn everything I could about RTT and use it to help others wake up and dive back into thriving in life again.


So why RTT? This was my experience - and it honestly changed my life.