
When You Realise Everything You Want Is In The Present Moment


Hello Beautiful Human,

Let’s talk about how powerful it is when you finally get to be present in your mind.

So often, we get caught up in replaying the past or worrying about the future, and we miss what’s right here, right now. Thinking about the deadline and how your boss is going to react about something is future based (cue stress and potentially anxiety), thinking about how a family member annoyed you last week is past based ( which can be linked to lower vibrational feelings) But the truth is, the only thing that truly exists is this moment. When you can fully embrace it, you unlock an incredible amount of peace, clarity, and possibility.

Being present isn’t just about slowing down or practicing mindfulness—it’s about realizing that everything you need is already available to you. In this exact moment, you have the power to make new choices, to feel gratitude, and to deeply connect with yourself and the world around you. You also are present to receiving, whether that’s guidance or clarity.

I’ve recently been on a health journey where I had to remove caffeine and sugar and by doing this realised the rush they gave me took me out of the present and into a rushed headspace in the future. Removing them has given me so much peace.

To help you start tapping into the now, here are three simple ways to bring yourself back to the present:

Breathe with intention: Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and focus on the air moving in and out of your body. This will anchor you to the moment. I love a box breath because it gives you a visual to focus on. Imagine a box shape and with your breath follow the shape along the top (inhale for seconds), down the right side (hold the breath for three seconds), along the bottom ( exhale for 3 seconds) and up the left side (hold on an empty breath for 3 seconds) and then repeat.

Engage your senses: Notice what you can see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. This instantly grounds you in the present and connects you to your surroundings.

Release the need for control: Let go of worrying about the outcome. Trust that being present will guide you to where you need to be.

Remember, beautiful one, that life unfolds in the present. When you can show up for it fully, it gives you everything you need.

I Love You,

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Meet Your Host, Emma Ritchie

Rapid Transormational Therapy (RTT) changed my life. Back in 2017, I wasn’t in a good head space at all. Several events happened back to back, leading me into a pretty dark place. I was waking up gasping for air, filled with anxious thoughts, feeling insecure, full of self-doubt, and massively lacking self-esteem. I knew I had to get myself out of this and fast!

I threw myself into various therapies but returned to reliving and thinking about what had happened. Not moving on from what had happened.

That’s when I found RTT, and after one session, I felt like I was finally wide awake in the present moment again. I walked out of that session feeling confident, high, excited, and very present. I also knew that I had to learn everything I could about RTT and use it to help others wake up and dive back into thriving in life again.


So why RTT? This was my experience - and it honestly changed my life.