Confidence and Self- Esteem

Why It Can Be Hard To Love Ourselves


Self-love sounds simple, but in reality, it’s something many of us struggle with. The truth is, the difficulty often comes from our past. Somewhere along the way, someone may have said or done something that made you feel unworthy, not good enough, or unlovable. And now, those old beliefs have become stories you’ve been carrying with you, shaping the way you see yourself.

Here’s the tricky part: we live in the present, but our thoughts are often influenced by the past and our worries about the future. Maybe you’ve been attracted to someone in the past and throught, “He/She won’t like me” But where does that feeling come from? It might trace back to something hurtful someone said when you were younger—maybe a sibling or a classmate who made you feel small, and now that story has stuck. The story of who we think we are and what we deserve only exists in our head.

These past wounds are what make self-love challenging. We start to believe the false narrative that we aren’t enough, and those stories keep us from seeing our true worth in the present.

So how do we start shifting this? Awareness is key. Notice when these thoughts pop up and ask yourself, “Is this story true, or is it something from my past?” From there, you can begin to practice small, daily acts of love toward yourself.

I’ll talk more about this in next weeks blog but the key part of Self-Love is not running a bubble bath ( although that’s nice), it about going inwards the loving the younger part of you who heard this comment and believed it. It’s about letting that inner child know that they are enough.

Remember, learning to love yourself takes time, especially when the past is influencing your present. But with patience and intention, you can rewrite the narrative.

Keep going, beautiful—you are so worth it.

I Love You,
Em x

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Meet Your Host, Emma Ritchie

Rapid Transormational Therapy (RTT) changed my life. Back in 2017, I wasn’t in a good head space at all. Several events happened back to back, leading me into a pretty dark place. I was waking up gasping for air, filled with anxious thoughts, feeling insecure, full of self-doubt, and massively lacking self-esteem. I knew I had to get myself out of this and fast!

I threw myself into various therapies but returned to reliving and thinking about what had happened. Not moving on from what had happened.

That’s when I found RTT, and after one session, I felt like I was finally wide awake in the present moment again. I walked out of that session feeling confident, high, excited, and very present. I also knew that I had to learn everything I could about RTT and use it to help others wake up and dive back into thriving in life again.


So why RTT? This was my experience - and it honestly changed my life.