Hello Lovely Soul,
Let’s talk about the ego—the collection of memories, thoughts, feelings, and events that have accumulated over time and now live in your mind and affect everyday life.
That subconscious voice narrates your life, telling you what’s right, wrong, and often what’s lacking. If you’ve ever felt caught in a loop of “I’m not enough” or “I need to prove myself,” that’s the ego talking.
The ego is the root of suffering. Why? Because it clings to illusions — the need for control, the illusion of permanence, and the idea that we’re separate from everything else. It’s our scared inner child trying to protect us. Because of that, it’s easy to give the ego such a bad name and push that part of us away when instead, imagine the next time you get angry, scared, or hurt by something someone said and pushing those feelings down, imagine there’s a little version of you inside that just needs attention, love and comfort.
One of my favourite teachers, Peter Crone calls the ego “the self-imposed prison.” It’s all the stories we’ve bought into about who we think we are based on our past experiences. But here’s the kicker: those stories aren’t true. They are things that were said and done to us years ago that our ego latched on to and started to believe were true.
So, how do we live beyond the ego? Start by noticing it. Asking why you feel sad, angry, or hurt instead of suppressing those emotions. When that voice of fear, judgment, or comparison pipes up, pause. Ask yourself, “Is this true? Or is this my ego clinging to an old narrative?”
The ego thrives on separation, but your true self knows the connection. It’s the part of you that feels peace in nature, love in stillness, and joy in simply being. When you stop believing the ego’s stories, you begin to remember who you are: infinite, whole, and wildly capable of living a life beyond fear.
From my soul to yours,
With Love,
Em x