Word on the street was that 2024 was big for so many people. 2024 taught me a lot!
2024 started with me with vertigo, bedridden, rising waves of hopelessness and depression, fainting, styles breaking out in both eyes, uncontrollable weight gain and bloating. Yup, it wasn’t fun! I’d been misdiagnosed with early menopause because my cycle had stopped. Western Doctors offered me anti-anxiety, anti-depressants, and hormone replacement therapy and told me to get to a gym and lift weights (reminder: I couldn’t leave the house without crying and was hunched over with back pain.
I couldn’t leave the house for more than a ten-minute walk. Despite multiple doctor’s appointments and going back over and over and being made to feel stupid and being told, ‘It’s just menopause; you’ll adjust,’ I just knew in my very being that something else was going on.
After not working for months and spending all my savings on alternative therapies, I found www.petercrone.com and Ayurvedic Medicine, where my life changed.
I signed up for the 14-week online MasterMind with Peter Crone and started a 16-week Ayurvedic detoxification and purification program.
And guess what!
It wasn’t Menopause. It was a complete and utter burnout in my body caused by an accumulation of stress over the years. The first part of 2024 was spent hunched over with joint aches and pains throughout my body, bloating, and depression. After just four weeks on the Ayurvedic Diet, my vitality returned, my body healed, and through my work with Peter Crone, I allowed decades of suppressed emotions to be felt ( that bit was tricky); I integrated and held myself.
My biggest lessons from 2024:
1- Trust my opinion over anyone else’s opinion, including well-meaning friends and family
2- Keep searching for answers and get second and third opinions from different areas of health, not just the Western Medical system
3- Reduce your exposure to stressful situations. If your job is stressing you 24/7, find something else.
4- Get vulnerable and then authentic. Reach out and ask for help and tell people you are struggling even though it’s hard to do that.
5 – Stress is the origin of every dis-ease in the body
My advice for any of you struggling with any health issues at the moment, including mental health, is to keep searching for answers. If you are on medication and it’s helping to level you out, use this time of feeling level to look for alternative ways to support your health and mental health. Look into Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine, EFT, Hypnotherapy, Coaching, and Online MasterMinds with reputable professionals, and look for doctors integrating all types of medicine.
Be responsible for your health.
Be responsible for the choices you make for your health up until this point.
Be responsible for what you do with the information, diagnosis, and prognosis.
You can heal your mind and, in turn, heal your body. Head here for more info https://emma-ritchie.com/
With Love,
Em xx