
Manifestation: The Life-Changing Shift You Need to Know


I’ve recently had a massive re-education around manifestation, and it’s completely changed the way I think about it. If you’ve ever felt stuck in your manifestation journey, this perspective might just shift everything for you too.

Let’s start here: if I said, “I’m going to manifest my dream relationship,” what does that imply?

It’s something that’s going to happen in the future.
There’s something I need to do to make it happen.
Sound familiar? But here’s the truth: It’s not the relationship I truly want—it’s the feelings I believe that relationship will bring me. I want to feel seen. Heard. Loved. Adored. Adventurous. Passionate.

Where Most of Us Get Stuck
Here’s the thing: when you’re asking the Universe to bring you something external to “complete” you or make you feel better, you’re manifesting from a place of lack. It’s like saying, “Once I get the relationship, then I’ll feel worthy or whole.”

But the real magic of manifestation doesn’t work that way.

Manifestation Is About Your Frequency
Manifestation isn’t about waiting for something external to change your life. It’s about being the version of yourself who already feels the way you want to feel.

When you embody those feelings—when you fall in love with yourself, listen to yourself, and live with passion and adventure—your frequency shifts. You start radiating those feelings. And guess what? You naturally attract someone who mirrors that energy back to you.

In other words, the Universe doesn’t give you what you ask for—it gives you what you’re aligned with.

How to Align with Your Desires
So, how do you make this shift? Start focusing inward. Instead of asking, “When will my dream relationship arrive?” ask, “How can I embody the love and passion I desire right now?”

This might mean:

Practicing self-love and self-care daily.
Exploring what lights you up and makes you feel adventurous.
Speaking to yourself kindly and showing yourself the love you crave.
When you do this, you don’t just attract the relationship—you become a magnet for anything aligned with your energy.

What If You’re Still Stuck?
If you’ve been trying affirmations and visualization but aren’t seeing results, don’t worry. This is often a sign that something deeper in your subconscious is ready to be addressed. It might be an old belief, a pattern, or some stuck energy that’s asking for attention.

I’ve created a short video to break this down even further because I know this can feel like a big shift. It’s not about working harder to manifest—it’s about shifting how you feel inside.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jOnLatHU_A&t=881s

Let me know how this resonates with you—I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Remember, you are already worthy. You are already loved. And everything you desire is already within you.

With Love
Emma x

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Meet Your Host, Emma Ritchie

Rapid Transormational Therapy (RTT) changed my life. Back in 2017, I wasn’t in a good head space at all. Several events happened back to back, leading me into a pretty dark place. I was waking up gasping for air, filled with anxious thoughts, feeling insecure, full of self-doubt, and massively lacking self-esteem. I knew I had to get myself out of this and fast!

I threw myself into various therapies but returned to reliving and thinking about what had happened. Not moving on from what had happened.

That’s when I found RTT, and after one session, I felt like I was finally wide awake in the present moment again. I walked out of that session feeling confident, high, excited, and very present. I also knew that I had to learn everything I could about RTT and use it to help others wake up and dive back into thriving in life again.


So why RTT? This was my experience - and it honestly changed my life.