Hello Lovely Soul,
When I started my healing journey, I would easily get confused by these two words and their meaning. I’ve now done a lot of work in this space and love making things simple and easy to understand.
So here we go.
I read an amazing book called The Spark in Machine years ago. The book title refers to the fact that the second we are conceived, when the sperm is allowed to enter the egg, there is a spark, an electrical flash. There are many theories, but I see this now as the energy of our soul coming into existence.
Your soul chooses the body to come into, chooses your parents, and chooses the life experience, so we each have an individual soul with us in our human experience.
Spirit is the place where all souls come from. Imagine a giant blob of oneness, unity, love and wholeness, and this is spirit. But in this place of spirit, there is only oneness and no experiences because everything is here. Imagine now billions of beams of light shining down from this gorgeous blob of wholeness, these souls have splintered off and come down into all living things on the planet. One of these light beams is yours and it’s your soul connecting you to the spirit.
Where your soul comes from ( your spirit), there is no learning, heartbreak, emotions, or change. It’s just complete wholeness, unity, and love in your spirit, so your soul chooses its mission to come down to earth and have this experience. As humans, this concept can be hard to understand because we may have ‘chosen’ challenging childhoods and families to grow up in, but as you start to heal and grow through your experiences, you start to understand your soul’s purpose and reason for being here.
When we go through hard times and start to have an awakening, we start to understand self-love, worthiness, and our value not for what we do but for just being. This is where we start to understand who we are. We are part of the whole, one ( spirit), and our soul has splintered off into a human body to have this life experience. Because of this, we come back to love because the very essence of us is love – we are one, we are part of the collective whole that is spirit.
If you’re a visual person
When I got this, everything changed. I had grown up in a single-parent home where money was scarce, and we were in survival, so my driving force had always been to chase money, work my ass off, buy the house, have the savings and then I would feel secure and safe.
My soul wanted me to travel to be free, to have lots of fun experiences, and from that place, still, of course, offer my gifts and work, not from a place of force but from a place of power.
I started to live life more fully. I sold off assets that were weighing me down and focused on what made me feel good.
My soul is here once, what does my soul want to experience?
I advise you to ask yourself – what is my soul’s purpose? The answer will always come back to LOVE. So live a life that makes you fall in love with it. Choose people who are on the journey with you, get rid of resistance and things that hold you back from your fullest expression,
You are an individual light (soul) and part of the infinite source (spirit).
With love from my soul to yours,
Em x