“Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.” — Søren Kierkegaard
If like me, you’ve ever had that feeling where your mind’s racing a million miles an hour, convinced that “It’s not going to be okay” or “I’m not safe”? But here’s the best part: you’re in charge of what happens next.
Picture your mind as a cheeky little kid tearing through the supermarket, grabbing everything in sight. That’s anxiety! Anxiety is based on the future, imagining worst-case or overwhelming scenarios without any pressure or grounding. It’s based on fear from past experiences.
But guess what? You’re the calm, wise grown-up who gets to scoop that little rascal up, sit them beside you, and say, “Hey, we’re good. Right here, right now, we’re safe.”
When you bring your mind back to the present moment, everything shifts. Anxiety can’t thrive in the now. Suddenly, you reconnect with that wise, grounded part of yourself that knows you’ve got this. This is why meditation, breathwork and exercise are so important each day. They ground you in the present.
So when those thoughts try to hijack your day, pause. Breathe. Gently call your mind and ego back to you. Remind yourself, “I’m here. I’m safe. I get to choose how I feel right now.”
“You don’t have to control your thoughts. You have to stop letting them control you.” — Dan Millman
From this calm place of telling your mind to come back into alignment, you can tune into your inner guidance—that deep knowing that’s always got your back. What feels aligned? What’s the next right step? Take it, trusting that you’re creating your life from a space of peace, not fear.
It helps to remember that anxiety is fear disguised as overthinking. But fear doesn’t have to run the show. In the words of Elizabeth Gilbert, “Your fear is the most boring thing about you.” So why give it the microphone? Instead, choose thoughts that support the life you want to live.
“Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action.” — Carrie Fisher.
When anxiety knocks on your door, meet it with curiosity instead of dread. Ask, “What story do I believe right now?” Often, it’s an old belief that’s no longer true. You take its power away when you see it for what it is—just a thought.
“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” — Maya Angelou.
So here’s your reminder: You’re the one holding the keys. And you have the power to choose calm every single time.
You are the adult; you can bring your mind into the present and calm it.
You’ve got this