Over the next few weeks, I’m introducing a few blogs that will be related to improving self-worth in relationships. This is the first part of that series. “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” Mahatma Gandhi Forgiveness First! Life is filled with people who come in and out of our […]

How I learned to forgive myself

Dating and relationships

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Hey there, beautiful soul! This topic that has been a game-changer in my life: connecting to my body. This is a crucial piece of the puzzle when it comes to my own self-worth journey. Connecting to your body might feel like uncharted territory. I get it; I was once there too. you might not even […]

“Let’s Talk Body Wisdom”

Dating and relationships

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Hey, beautiful soul! Today I’m thrilled to dive into a topic that’s close to my heart: intuition. So grab a cozy blanket, make yourself a cuppa, and let’s chat about how your internal guidance system can be your greatest ally in this journey called life. In the episode below, I go deep into the concept […]

“Trusting Your Intuition: Now You Know What You Already Knew”

Confidence and Self- Esteem

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Hello, beautiful souls! Today’s focus is on “Taking Your Time Getting To Know People” – be it in work, friendship, or romantic connections. In previous blogs and on the podcast, we explored the power of instincts and intuition, that subtle feeling in your stomach that speaks volumes when you meet someone for the first time. […]

“Navigating Relationships: Embracing Your Worth and Taking Your Time”

Dating and relationships

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Hey, beautiful soul! Life’s journey isn’t always a walk in the park, and sometimes, those negative thoughts can sneak up on us. When repeated over and over negative thinking ALWAYS leads to negative beliefs about ourselves. This is why it’s so important to recognise negative throughs when we are having them, naming them or the […]

Transforming Negative Thoughts: Your Path to Unshakeable Confidence

Confidence and Self- Esteem

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Hey beautiful souls, Here’s a little tale that came to me when I was camping down south in the blistering heat. Picture this – bushland, snakes, and a friend’s property. She warned me because of the heat, there would be some snakes around, and her exact words were, ‘Snakes are always there, and you might […]

“Embracing Your Worth: Lessons from the Snake Charm”

Dating and relationships

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Hello, beautiful souls! Today’s blog, “Forgiveness,” is vital in untangling low self-worth and paving the way for self-renewal. Before we embark on the journey of self-discovery and empowerment, it’s important to extend forgiveness—to ourselves and, perhaps, to others. Operating from a place of low self-worth often colours our actions and behaviours, leading to acceptance of […]

Forgive and Flourish: Healing Your Soul from Toxic Relationship Trauma

Dating and relationships

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Hey there, beautiful souls! As you may already know, I’m dedicated to guiding you on a journey to rediscover your inherent self-worth. You know, that unlimited vat of self-worth you were born with. If the term “self-worth” feels a bit elusive, that’s okay—I’ve been there. When I faced challenges, it took me a while to […]

From Fog to Clarity: Rediscovering Self-Worth for Fulfilling Relationships

Dating and relationships

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I’m grateful to have you here! Taking the first step to change your life is one of the bravest steps. I know from personal experience that we can spend months and sometimes even years feeling incredibly lost, disconnected, and fumbling around, trying to find the right person to talk to and not understanding what’s going […]

Welcome home


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My session with Emma was life-changing. Her expertise and nature are truly unique. She made me feel comfortable and followed up after the session, providing me with my voice recording to assist with the healing process.

sarah h

I never would have tried hypnotherapy if it wasn't for how at ease Emma made me feel immediately upon meeting her, and now I'm so grateful that I did!

hannah w

The positive changes I have seen since my session with Emma have surprised me, and the negatives don't have nearly as much impact as they used to.


My experience with Emma Ritchie Therapy was amazing. Emma is fully invested in seeing transformation in your life and leads you safely to discover what is holding you back.

lydia h

After so many years of dealing with issues with control and, most recently, crippling anxiety that was affecting many aspects of my health, I decided to reach out to Emma. All I can say is that it works, and I immediately felt the changes.

debora s

I’ve never been hypnotized, so I was worried it wouldn’t work, but it did! The whole process was amazing, and Emma was so gentle, caring, and reassuring, which meant I was at complete ease throughout.

gillian m

Emma is compassionate empathetic, and holds a space free from judgement. I immediately felt comfortable with her, which helped me integrate my learnings from the therapy with ease. I 100% would recommend Emma to all my family and friends who need therapy, support, or a breakthrough in their life.
